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How Your Beloved Dog Can Affect Your Beloved AC's Operations

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If you are a dog lover and keep one or two in your home, you should be aware of the effect the animal may have on your air conditioner (AC). Here are some of the ways in which a dog may interfere with the operation or efficiency of an AC: Peeing On the Outdoor Unit There are two things about dogs that make them likely to damage your AC’s outside unit with their pee.…

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Troubleshooting Issues With Your Commercial Rooftop AC And Leaks

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If your business is like most, you probably have a rooftop air conditioning unit. Generally these work well and can perform without problems for years with regular annual maintenance. Occasionally, though, moisture issues occur that are caused by your rooftop unit. The following guide can help you spot the potential for problems so you can get them fixed before you have a disaster on your hands. Issue #1: Improper supports…

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3 Reasons To Consider Copper Roofing Tiles

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Copper roofing tiles are among the most effective roofing materials that you can possibly buy, mostly because of the large number of benefits that they can provide. Listed below are three reasons to consider copper roofing tiles when replacing your current roof or if you are building a new home. Lighter Than The Competition One of the biggest benefits provided by copper roofing tiles is that they tend to be quite a bit lighter than many of the other comparable roofing materials.…

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Moving Your AC To The Rooftop: Three Things To Consider

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If your home has a central air conditioning unit that is situated on the ground, you may have considered the idea of moving it to the rooftop. There are some benefits to having your AC mounted on the roof, such as having all the essential components located in one place. It can also be a more efficient option for cooling your home, as cool air tends to sink (while warm air tends to rise).…

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How To Improve Your Cold Air Output

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Your AC system will obviously not be very effective if the condenser cannot produce cold air. Even if you system has great airflow, it will be hard to cool down your home if the AC is not making the air cold. This article explains the most common problem with condenser units and how to fix it. This simple cleaning job will not require any HVAC experience of special tools. What are the Condenser Coils…

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How To Clean Your Condenser Unit

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There are several important components of a central condenser unit that you can fix on your own. Most people will have their AC system regularly serviced by HVAC professionals. This is still vital, but these simple DIY jobs can help reduce your repair bills in the long run. They can also help keep your unit more energy efficient, saving you money on a monthly basis. This article explains 3 simple ways to clean your condenser.…

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Why To Pass On A Window Air Conditioner And Use Central Air

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If you need to get air conditioning for your home, you’ll find yourself debating between a window unit and central AC. Both systems will have their benefits, but you’ll find that central AC is the much better choice overall. Here are 3 reasons that you should get central AC instead of a window unit. Overall Comfort A home that has central AC will be comfortable for everyone due to several factors.…

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Advantages Of A Propane Fireplace

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Propane fireplaces are a common type of home heating appliance that make use of propane as their fuel source. Because of propane’s unique material qualities, propane fireplaces possess a distinct set of advantages over other types of heating appliances. Understanding what a propane fireplace has to offer your home can help you decide if they are the right fit for your home heating needs. Responsiveness Unlike electric fireplaces, which can take a significant amount of time for the element to warm up, or wood fireplaces, which require a fire to be built and maintained for a while before a real fire gets going, propane fireplaces offer near instant heat, requiring only the push of a button or the strike of a match to light the pilot light to get a fire going.…

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How To Effectively Clean Your Room Air Conditioner

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Your air conditioner is designed to work best when both the condenser and evaporate are clean in your room-sized air conditioner. When your condenser and evaporator coils are clogged, your machine will not be able to effectively blow cold air. Here are some tips and advice to help you clean your room-sized window air conditioner unit. #1 Remove The Trim Panel The first thing that you need to do is remove the trim panel from your air conditioner unit.…

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How To Choose The Right Furnace For Your Renovated Home

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If you’re renovating an older home, there’s a good chance you’ll have to replace the heating system too. Besides choosing a gas or electric furnace, you’ll also have to choose the type and size to install. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choices. Choosing Gas Or Electric Modern furnaces are energy efficient, so you can’t really make a bad choice when it comes to gas or electric.…

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