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3 Common Reasons Why Your AC Stopped Working

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An air conditioner is an essential system that makes summer days bearable. Its breakdown can be very frustrating, especially if you have vulnerable people in your home. Even if you’re not housing young children or the elderly, leaving your summer comfort to chance isn’t a good idea. Air conditioners fail for many reasons, some avoidable, while others are not. As a homeowner, you should know how to handle your machine to avoid sudden, unpleasant surprises.…

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Things To Understand About Maintaining Your Air Conditioning System

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Your home’s central air conditioning system is a crucial investment for ensuring overall comfort in your home during the hotter seasons. However, your air conditioning system can’t perform at its best if you don’t keep up with routine maintenance. Here’s a look at a few of the things that you should know about how routine maintenance can help your air conditioner last longer and work more efficiently. Keeps It Clean…

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Does Your Home Need A New Heating System?

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Your heating system is responsible for keeping your home warm and comfortable. If you’ve been experiencing issues with your system, such as frequent breakdowns or failing to provide enough heat, it may be time for a replacement. This article will provide you with some tips on how to determine when it’s time for a new system, and what to look for when choosing a new heating system. It Constantly Needs Repairs…

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Why Furnace Replacement Is An Excellent Home Upgrade

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Unfortunately, many homeowners hold on to their old furnace equipment longer than they should because they dread the financial commitment an upgrade would require. This leaves them stuck with recurring repair expenses to keep the straining equipment functional and the dread of when the equipment will finally die out on them. If this is your current predicament, consider how much you would save on repair costs if you committed to a one-off furnace replacement project.…

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Why Consider Geothermal AC Installation For Your Home?

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Installing a geothermal air conditioner in your home can be an important decision, especially if you’re looking to reduce the environmental impact of your AC system while also saving money on utility bills. Geothermal air conditioning works by using heat pump technology. The system has a heat pump unit, which takes advantage of natural heat given off by the ground to provide heating and cooling throughout your home. The heat pump moves heat energy from one place to another while transferring heat.…

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Routine Maintenance and Repair Needs Your Air Conditioner Is Likely to Need

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Air conditioning systems are incredibly complex devices, and this can lead to them being vulnerable to experiencing a host of issues that will have to be addressed by homeowners. Not surprisingly, homeowners are frequently unaware of the full range of problems that they will be tasked with addressing if they are to keep their home’s interior spaces cool and comfortable. Sensor Malfunctions Your air conditioning system will utilize a variety of sensors to function.…

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Consequences Of Ignoring Air Conditioner Repairs

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Air conditioners require routine maintenance for optimal performance and efficiency. Regular AC servicing prevents inconvenient system malfunctions and extends the unit’s lifespan. Conversely, if you overlook any defects in the AC which require repair, you will likely incur extra costs in repair or replacement down the line. The following are the consequences that can arise due to neglecting your AC’s repair needs.   Higher Utility Bills When the filters in your AC are clogged with dirt, the amount of air flowing in the system reduces.…

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Great Things About Spray Foam Insulation

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If you don’t have adequate insulation for your HVAC system, then you can deal with a lot of problems. You can find that your home won’t retain the warm or cool air in a way that will help to keep your family comfortable. Also, you may find that the HVAC system has to run a lot harder than it should have to. Running more than it should run will cost you more money to heat and cool your home, and it will cost you more in HVAC repairs.…

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Seven Details You Don't Want To Overlook Regarding Your Furnace Installation

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There are numerous details to consider when it comes to choosing a furnace and planning for furnace installation. The following are seven details you don’t want to overlook regarding your furnace installation.  The size of the furnace model you’re having installed One of the number one priorities when you have a furnace installed in your home is choosing a model that is of an appropriate size for your home. You need to calculate the BTUs you need your furnace to have using figures such as the square footage of your home and the climate zone you live in.…

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Does Your Air Conditioner's Airflow Need A Tune-Up?

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Airflow is a crucial part of your home’s HVAC system. Both your air conditioner and your furnace rely on adequate airflow to maintain a comfortable home, but the air moving through the system also keeps your equipment healthy. Airflow restrictions or leaks can reduce system efficiency, increase utility bills, and lead to premature component failures. Unfortunately, issues with your air conditioner’s airflow aren’t always immediately apparent. If you haven’t been scheduling routine air conditioning service visits, you may be unaware that your system is struggling to get enough air.…

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