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Furnace Repair Services: 4 Unique Repair Solutions A Technician Can Offer To Fix A Furnace That Doesn't Blow Air

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Most furnace appliances are designed to run efficiently and effectively during the cold winter. However, when your furnace stops blowing air, it can cause stress and leave you feeling helpless. Fortunately, a qualified technician can diagnose the issue and provide several unique repair solutions to get your furnace running again. For instance, a technician can inspect and replace faulty components if the blower motor stops working. Here are four unique solutions a technician can offer to fix a unit that doesn’t blow air:…

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Addressing Common Issues With Ductless AC Systems

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Many homeowners favor ductless air conditioning systems for their energy efficiency and quiet operation. However, ductless AC systems can develop issues over time, and these issues can lead to the system failing to cool your home. Recognize Common Signs That Your Ductless AC System May Need Repairs Various signs may indicate that your ductless AC system needs professional attention. A frequent source of AC issues is a malfunctioning pressure switch. The pressure switch is responsible for ensuring that the refrigerant in the system is at the appropriate pressure.…

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How Placement Of Different AC Parts Affects Its Efficiency

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A split air conditioner (AC) comprises several parts that require proper placement. The location of these parts affects the AC’s operations. Below are three components of the AC whose placement affects its operations. Outside Unit The outside AC unit, the condenser, houses the compressor, coil, condenser fan, and refrigerant lines. This unit is responsible for expelling the heat the AC absorbs inside the house. The condenser unit’s placement is critical for several reasons.…

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3 Tips For Working With A Heating Service

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While heating systems are designed to heat your home around the clock, there are times when your system will need maintenance or repairs. While there are a few things you can tackle yourself, you will need to call a professional heating service to take care of your heating system most of the time. A heating service company can install a new heating system or repair or maintain your current system. Here are three tips for working with a heating service company.…

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Signs Your AC Unit Has Been Losing Refrigerant

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Air conditioners use a special fluid called refrigerant to cool down your air. The refrigerant expands, and it absorbs heat from the air in the process. That cool air is then blown through your home. Sometimes, as an air conditioner ages, it springs a leak in the refrigerant coil, and refrigerant starts to seep out. This compromises the AC unit’s ability to cool and is an issue you need to have repaired ASAP.…

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3 Things That Matter When It Comes To Air Conditioner Replacement

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When your air conditioner stops working, it can leave you with a lot of work to do. You’ll need to decide whether you want to repair it or replace it with a new system. If you decide on replacement, there are three key elements that matter when it comes to finding the right air conditioner for your home: size, efficiency, and cost.  Here’s exactly what you need to know about each of these three components before you buy and install a new air conditioning unit.…

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Building A Home? How To Choose The Right HVAC System

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If you’re building a home, now’s the time to choose your HVAC system. Choosing the right heating and cooling system is one of the most important things you can do for your home. There are several systems to choose from. If you’re not sure how to choose the right HVAC system for your home, read the list provided below. Here are some tips to help you choose the system that’s right for your home.…

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Ideal Places To Install Your AC Thermostat

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The thermostat is where everything starts when it comes to heating or cooling your home. When you set it, the regulator activates, controls, and monitors your home’s temperature control process, thus keeping everyone comfortable. For that reason, you should only place it at specific points. This is because the wrong positioning may result in a malfunction and compromise your temperature control. Thus, it is wise to engage an AC specialist to guide you in placing your thermostat.…

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Heating An Older Home Efficiently

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Older homes can be expensive to heat. There are a number of reasons for this, from leaky windows to old HVAC equipment. In the long run, if you want to reduce your heating costs, it’s often wise to replace your old HVAC system, windows, and other worn components. But if that’s not in the cards yet this fall, there are some other, less expensive ways you can improve your HVAC efficiency going into the heating season.…

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3 Irritating Effects of Leaky Air Ducts on Your Home

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Air conditioners are essential appliances that each home should have. They ensure temperature control while maintaining good indoor air quality. However, proper maintenance is needed for an AC unit to remain effective and beneficial.  That said, the ductworks are the core of your unit and if you neglect them, you will have compromised ventilation, which affects your home in many ways. Leaky air ducts contribute to most issues that cause discomfort in today’s homes.…

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