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Three Possible Reasons Your House Is Experiencing Uneven Airflow

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Most people know that poorly designed duct lines can lead to uneven airflow in the house. However, you may experience uneven airflow even if your system was professionally installed. Here are three reasons this may happen. Restrictions in the Duct Lines Air ducts are responsible for air circulation; they move air into and out of your rooms. The size of supply and return air ducts are determined by the size of the rooms, since different rooms have different air needs.…

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Air Conditioning: The Undersized Ducts Problem

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When your duct system is too small to ensure that your air conditioner has enough air, your system’s performance will drop. This is because, with the amount of air getting into the system being limited by the ducts, your system will be functioning at half-capacity. It won’t cool as much air as it can, and your system will take longer to cool your office space. It will also end up using way more energy, increasing your energy bills.…

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What Happens If Your Furnace's Heat Exchanger Fails?

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Natural gas, oil, and propane-fired furnaces are equipped with a heat exchanger, a set of long, looping tubes or coils that radiate heat from the combustion gases contained within. The heat is given off to the passing air generated by the blower fan, which eventually circulates throughout your home. So what happens if this essential piece of equipment fails? The following takes a look at that scenario and what you can do to keep it from happening.…

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3 Substances You Can Use To Try And Remove Mold And Mildew

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Have you noticed some nasty mold growing in your bathroom or perhaps in your basement? Your first step should be to determine the source of the problem and make sure it’s not a leak somewhere that is causing the problem because then it’s only going to come back. But once you have a handle on the situation, it’s time to eradicate the mold. If it’s especially bad, you might want to hire an HVAC contractor who specializes in mold remediation.…

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Aging Homeowners: Learn How An HVAC System And Wood Stove Can Work Together To Heat Your Home

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As you get older, you may find it has become challenging to cut and haul wood every year for your wood stove. If you have spent several years heating your home with a wood stove, you know how hot it can get in the room with the stove while remaining cooler in other areas of your home. You may run electric space heaters for many hours at a time in the rooms farthest from your wood stove for maintaining an even temperature.…

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Tips To Get The Most From Your Home's Air Conditioning System

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Ensuring that you are getting the most from your home’s air conditioning system is essential for keeping your home comfortable without paying more than necessary in energy and repair expenses. Sadly, it can a common issue for new homeowners to not have a thorough understanding about avoiding common problems and sources of energy waste when dealing with these systems. To help you get the most out of this appliance, you should be aware of these basic tips.…

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3 Signs Your HVAC Unit Has a Fan Motor Problem

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Your air conditioner and furnace both have a motorized fan that plays a key roll in the heating or cooling process. If the motor experiences operational issues, or stops working completely, your HVAC system efficiency and indoor comfort will both suffer. There are a few signs that can point towards a fan motor problem being the culprit behind your heating and cooling woes. If you can’t narrow down the problem, call in an air conditioning services company to examine the system.…

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How To Clean Your Furnace Pump

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The efficiency of your furnace depends on a number of important factors. Of course, if your furnace is not functioning, there are certain things that you won’t be able to fix unless you are an HVAC professional. However, one of the best do-it-yourself furnace maintenance jobs is cleaning the pump. This article explains how to safely access and clean your furnace pump. Shutting Down Your Furnace It is very important that you properly shut down your furnace before working on it.…

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Do You Have Air Conditioner Coil Icing Problems? Replace Your Thermostatic Expansion Valve

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There are times when the thermostatic expansion valve becomes faulty or gets clogged with dirt. When this happens, it usually creates conditions that make evaporator coil icing unavoidable. Here is what you should know about why your air conditioner’s thermostatic expansion valve is to blame for your evaporator coil icing problems. Malfunctioning thermostatic expansion valve and coil icing The refrigerant-regulating role of the thermostatic expansion valve usually involves it letting only as much refrigerant as the evaporator coil can handle to pass through.…

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How To Replace An Old, Broken Gas Furnace Igniter With A Universal Igniter

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A gas furnace relies on the presence of an igniter that provides a spark of heat to start the combustion process. If the furnace doesn’t sense the igniter, the gas won’t come out since the unit thinks it isn’t time to heat. So a broken gas furnace igniter can prevent the furnace from operating at all. If you need to replace a broken igniter, consider installing a new universal igniter, which requires little maintenance and operates more efficiently than old pilot light style igniters.…

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