Changing the filter on your air conditioner system might not be something you think of often, but it should be. Taking the time to replace this filter every month, or at least a few times each year, is vital for the operations of your system. If you fail to replace your air filter, you may encounter some of the following problems with your system.
It will spread dirty air to your house…
Take one look at a huge air conditioner compressor sitting outside someone’s house, and you might think the idea of stealing one of these is bunk. These are huge compressors that are often in places that people wouldn’t be able to get machinery like forklifts into quickly, right? But air conditioner theft is increasing. Thieves want the copper that’s inside, and those compressors, wall units, and even window units are easy targets.…
Keeping an old furnace going is a point of pride for some homeowners. Many others believe they’re saving money by clinging to their old furnaces. Although it’s possible to keep an old furnace limping along through constant maintenance, it’s usually not worth the effort in the long run. Here are a few reasons why you’re better off replacing your old furnace with something a bit newer.
Newer Furnaces Consume Less Energy…