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How Placement Of Different AC Parts Affects Its Efficiency

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A split air conditioner (AC) comprises several parts that require proper placement. The location of these parts affects the AC's operations. Below are three components of the AC whose placement affects its operations.

Outside Unit

The outside AC unit, the condenser, houses the compressor, coil, condenser fan, and refrigerant lines. This unit is responsible for expelling the heat the AC absorbs inside the house. The condenser unit's placement is critical for several reasons.

First, you should have the condenser unit in a location that enjoys free airflow. Restricted airflow interferes with heat dissipation. Thus, you should not have things like plants too close to the unit. Floodwater can also affect the unit's operation by clogging it with mud and accelerating its corrosion. Place the condenser unit on a raised platform to keep floodwaters away.

Ideally, you should have the condenser unit on the side of the building that doesn't receive direct sunlight. Sunlight raises the unit's temperature and reduces its heat dissipation efficiency.

Lastly, you should not place the condenser unit too far from the AC's inside unit. Placing the units too far apart increases the distance the refrigerant has to travel between them. The increased distance reduces the AC's efficiency and forces it to overwork. AC manufacturers specify the optimal distances between outside and inside AC units.


The thermostat measures the indoor temperature and determines whether you need cooling. The thermostat determines the AC's cooling cycles. The thermostat works best if it reads the correct temperature. The thermostat's placement determines its accuracy.

For example, placing the thermostat near heat sources, such as electronic appliances, causes it to read higher than normal temperatures. The false temperature readings will cause the AC to continue running even when your house is already cool.

Similarly, temperatures on exterior walls do not reflect the accurate indoor temperature. Place the thermostat on an interior wall, preferably in a room you frequently use, for optimal temperature control.

Vents or Registers

Lastly, the AC's vents or registers are the openings that deliver fresh air to your rooms and channel stale air back to the AC. The return and supply registers should not be too close together. Otherwise, cool air might immediately flow back to the AC without circulating and lowering the house's temperature.

Similarly, you need return and supply registers properly distributed within the house. Ideally, each room should have supply and return registers. Such placement ensures maximum air circulation, which your AC needs to cool your home efficiently.

Contact a professional to learn more about AC installation
